Advance Structure is the Most Important Subject in KPSC-PWD Syllabus.
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Compound stesses and strains – Mohr’s Circle and its application. Compound strains, Principal strains, graphical solutions.
Effects of temperature on Mechanical properties of materials.
Theories of elastic failure.
Strain Energy Methods – Deflection of simple trusses, strain every methods applied to simple beams and trusses.
Castigliano’s Theorem I and its application to simple cases.
Analysis of continuous beams, propped cantilevers, fixed beams, Slope-deflection equations and moment distribution.
Three hinged arches, Lines of resistance through hinged arches under dead and live loads, Influence lines for horizontal thrust and bending moment. Reaction locus.
Rolling loads-curves of maximum bending moments and maximum shear forces, the enveloping parabola and determination of equivalent uniformly distributed load under different system of loading.
Influence lines of reaction, shear force, bending moment and deflection, Reversal of stress under live load, Williot-Mohr’s diagram.
Determination of stresses in the members of the frames due to rolling loads – Influence lines.
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